Great insight delivered with humour and compassion
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The Inukshuk is representative of guiding and reassuring people on their journeys. Find out more here.
About me...
Gaye Gould is a slightly mad, zany psychotherapist with ADHD – think Bridget Jones meets the Buddha. She is currently sequestered in her private practice in Toronto, Canada, learning how to cut and paste, Zoom and other fundamental basics in the world of technology. As a highly trained mental health professional she is attempting to use all of her skills to not murder her husband and children, instead re-directing her stir crazy inner mania, to overcome her aversion to all things technological, and launching The Compassion Junkie project.
Gaye is wanting to give back in this time of crisis and change. She will explore through her new-found digital journey how we can stay connected, show compassion to others and to oneself, in a time of great confusion, fear, sadness and disconnection. There will be many tips on how to keep your sanity and your relationships strong, and perhaps the odd recommendation on how women can learn to wax their own moustaches. Other forms of waxing, such as the Brazillian you’re on your own, as it goes against her principles of self-compassion!
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